The Special Import Measures Act
The Special Import Measures Act, commonly referred to as SIMA, provides protection to Canadian producers who are being harmed by the dumping or subsidizing of goods imported into Canada. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (Tribunal) are responsible for its administration.
The Trade and Anti-dumping Programs Directorate of the CBSA conducts investigations and determines whether goods imported into Canada are dumped or subsidized. The Tribunal is responsible for deciding whether the dumped or subsidized goods have caused injury or are threatening to cause injury to the Canadian industry, or have caused retardation of the establishment of an industry in Canada.
Under SIMA, RCITC is authorized to act as counsel to parties subject to Canada’s trade investigations in the CBSA as well as the Tribunal Proceedings. We therefore have the same rights, obligations and access to confidential information placed on the Administrative Records of the CBSA and the Tribunal as any other Canadian Law firm that have provided disclosure undertakings to the CBSA or the Tribunal.