Case History

The following is a listing of the trade proceedings where RC International Trade Consultants have acted as counsel to various entities since its formation in late 2008. Included among its clients are the Government of China, the Government of the Philippines, King Furniture (Australia), RIMA Industrial (Brazil), Zhejiang Kuka Merlin Furniture (China), Mobicool International (Hong Kong), Reliance Industries (India), POSCO, Hyundai Steel, DongKuk Steel (Korea), HLD Clark (Philippines), Thai Oil Pipe ( Thailand) and Stanley, Black & Decker (USA).




CBSA Anti-dumping Investigation

Certain Concrete Reinforcing Bar 5 (RB5 2024 IN)

Appointed as Counsel to represent Gold Lion Furniture (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., (Gold Lion) King Furniture Australia Pty Ltd., and King Living Inc. (Canada) in an administrative review of the normal values and export of certain upholstered domestic seating (UDS) originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China (China) by Gold Lion.

Listing of counsel granted disclosure: Upholstered Domestic Seating (UDS 2024 UP6)


CBSA Re-Investigation

Certain Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG 2024 RI)

Appointed as Counsel to represent Thai Oil Pipe Co., Ltd., and  Boly Pipe Co., Ltd., Thailand, in the re-investigation initiated on June 27, 2024, by the Canada Border Services Agency in accordance with the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), to update the normal values and export prices, respecting certain oil country tubular goods originating in or exported from the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu (Chinese Taipei), India, Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, Türkiye and Vietnam. (OCTG II)

Listing of counsel granted disclosure: Oil country tubular goods (OCTG 2024 RI) (


CBSA Anti-dumping Investigation

Certain Concrete Reinforcing Bar 5 (RB5 2024 IN)

Appointed as Counsel to represent Thai Steel Profile Public Company Limited, Thailand, in an investigation initiated on May 3, 2024, by the Canada Border Services Agency under the Special Import Measures Act, respecting the alleged injurious dumping of certain concrete reinforcing bars originating in or exported from Bulgaria, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates.

Listing of counsel granted disclosure: Certain concrete reinforcing bar 5 (RB5 2024 IN) (

Notice of final decisions: Certain concrete reinforcing bar 5 (RB5 2024 IN)

On December 12, 2024, pursuant to paragraph 41(1)(a) of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) terminated the dumping investigation in respect of concrete reinforcing bar exported from Thailand by Thai Steel Profile Public Company Limited, as the goods were not dumped.

Notice of final decisions: Certain concrete reinforcing bar 5 (RB5 2024 IN)



WT 2023 IN – Wind Towers

CBSA Anti-dumping and Subsidy Investigations

Appointed as Counsel for CS WIND Co., Ltd., China, and CS Wind Corporation, Korea, with regards to investigations initiated on April 21, 2023, under the Special Import Measures Act respecting the alleged injurious dumping and subsidizing of certain wind towers from China.

Listing of counsel granted disclosure: Wind towers (WT 2023 IN) (



RR-2021-005 – Pup Joints

CITT Expiry Review Proceedings

Appointed as Counsel to the Canadian importer, WestCan Oilfield Ltd and it related Chinese producer, Hengshui Weijia Petroleum Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., with regards to proceedings arising from the Canadian International Trade Tribunal RR-2021-005 Expiry Review of its order made on April 7, 2017, in inquiry 2016-001, continuing without amendment, its finding made on April 10, 2012 in inquiry NQ 2011-001, concerning the dumping and subsidizing of oil country tubular goods pup joints, made of carbon or alloy steel, welded or seamless, heat-treated or not heat-treated, regardless of end finish, having an outside diameter from 2 3/8 inches to 4 1/2 inches (60.3 mm to 114.3 mm), in all grades, in lengths from 2 feet to 12 feet (61 cm to 366 cm), excluding casing pup joints, originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China (the subject goods).

Active dumping and subsidizing cases – Canadian International Trade Tribunal (


UDS 2022 UP7:  Upholstered Domestic Furniture

CBSA Normal Value Review

Appointed as counsel to  a Chinese exporter Zhejiang Kuka Merlin Furniture Co., Ltd, and its affiliated companies, Zhejiang Sinomax Gu Sponge Co., Ltd., (“Sinomax”)Kuka Function (HK) Trade Co., Limited (“Kuka Function”) and Kuka (HK) Trade Co., Limited (“Kuka HK”), in a normal value review initiated on July 22, 2022, to update all normal values and export prices applicable to certain upholstered domestic furniture (UDS) from China by Zhejiang Kuka Merlin Furniture Co., Ltd..

Upholstered domestic furniture 2022 07 Normal value review – Listing of counsel granted disclosure (


UDS 2021 XP: Upholstered Domestic Furniture

CBSA Expedited Review

Appointed as counsel to  a Chinese exporter Gold Lion Furniture Shanghai Company ,related Canadian importer, King Living Inc., and their parent company King Furniture Australia Pty Ltd, in the expedited review initiated on November 29, 2021,  as part of the CBSA’s enforcement of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal’s (CITT) finding of injury issued on September 2, 2021, respecting the dumping and subsidizing of UDS from China and Vietnam

Upholstered domestic seating 2021 expedited reviews – listing of counsel granted disclosure (


UDS 2022 UP3: Upholstered domestic furniture

CBSA Normal Value Review

Appointed as counsel to  a Chinese exporter Gu Jia Intelligent Household Jiaxing Co., Ltd., & its related input supplier, Zhejiang Sinomax Gu Sponge Co., Ltd., in the normal values review initiated on April 5, 2022, to update all normal values and export prices applicable to certain upholstered domestic furniture (UDS) from China by Gu Jia Intelligent Household Jiaxing Co., Ltd


MAT 2022 IN: Mattresses

CBSA Dumping & Countervailing Investigations

Appointed as Counsel to two Chinese exporters – Jinlongheng Furniture Co., Ltd., & Xianghe Kaneman Furniture Limited, in the investigations Initiated on February 24, 2022, under the Special Import Measures Act respecting the alleged injurious dumping and subsidizing of mattresses from China. 

Mattresses 2021 Investigations – Listing of Counsel Granted Disclosure (


PJ 2022 ER: Certain pup joints

CBSA Expiry Review Investigation

Appointed as Counsel to a  Canadian Importer WestCan Oilfield Supply Ltd., and it related Chinese exporter, Hengshui Weijia Petroleum Manufacturing Co. Ltd., in an expiry review investigation initiated on February 25, 2022, to determine, pursuant to paragraph 76.03(7)(a) of SIMA, whether the expiry of the order is likely to result in the continuation or resumption of dumping and/or subsidizing of the subject goods. 

Certain pup joints 2021 Expiry Review – Listing of counsel granted disclosure (



OCTG 4 2021 IN: Oil Country Tubular Goods 4

CBSA Dumping Investigation

Appointed as counsel to the Canadian importer, Trimark Tubular Ltd, in the investigation initiated on July 7,2021, by the Canada Border Services Agency, respecting the alleged injurious dumping of certain oil country tubular goods from Austria.

Oil country tubular goods 4 2021 Investigations – Listing of Counsel Granted Disclosure


UDS 2020 IN: Certain Upholstered Domestic Seating

CBSA Dumping and Subsidy Investigations

Appointed as counsel to Eleven Chinese Exporters and Two Canadian Importers in the investigations initiated on December 21, 2020, by the Canada Border Services Agency, respecting the alleged injurious dumping and subsidizing of certain upholstered domestic seating from China and Vietnam.



DONP 2020 IN – Decorative and other Non‑Structural Plywood

CBSA Dumping and Subsidy Investigations

Appointed as counsel to Eight Chinese exporters in the investigations initiated on June 11, by the Canada Border Services Agency, respecting the alleged injurious dumping and subsidizing of certain decorative and other non‑structural plywood from China.

On January 21, 2021, the investigations were terminated against all of our clients on the grounds of zero margins of dumping and insignificant amount of subsidies.



Anti-Dumping Investigation

Appointed as counsel to DongKuk Steel Mills, GS Global Corp., GS Global USA, INC., and Hyundai Steel Company of Korea in the investigation initiated on May 27, 2020, by the Canada Border Services Agency respecting the alleged injurious dumping of certain hot‑rolled carbon steel heavy plate and high‑strength low‑alloy steel heavy plate from the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu (Chinese Taipei), Germany, South Korea, Malaysia, and Turkey



October   OS 2019 RI – Oil Country Tubular Goods

CBSA Re-investigation

Appointed as Counsel to GVN Fuels Limited, Maharashtra Seamless Limited & ISMT Limited, India; HLD Clark Steel Pipe Co., Inc., Philippines and Thai Oil Pipe Co., Ltd., Thailand; in the CBSA re-investigation initiated on September 27, 2019, to update the normal values and export prices of certain OCTG originating in or exported from the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu (Chinese Taipei), India, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine and Vietnam.

Web Link:\

CPF 2019 RI – Copper Pipe Fittings

CBSA Re-Investigation

Appointed as counsel to Zhejiang Hailiang Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Copper Processing Research Institute Co., Ltd., China, in the CBSA re-investigation initiated on January 31, 2019 to update the normal values and export prices, respecting certain copper pipe fittings from the United States, South Korea and China and the amounts of subsidy of certain copper pipe fittings from China.

Web Link: Certain Copper Pipe Fittings 2019 Re-investigation – Listing of Counsel Granted Disclosure

LP 2 2018 UP1 – LINE PIPE

Appointed as counsel to Husteel Co., Ltd., and Husteel Canada Co., Ltd., in the normal value review initiated on September 4, 2018 to update the normal values and export prices of certain carbon and alloy steel line pipe (line pipe) exported from South Korea to Canada by Husteel Co., Ltd.


Appointed as counsel to POSCO and POSCO Coated & Color Steel Co, South Korea; as well as China Steel Corporation and Prosperity Tieh Enterprise Co., Ltd., Chinese Taipei, in the investigation initiated on July 26, 2018 of certain corrosion-resistant steel sheet from China, Chinese Taipei, India and South Korea.


Appointed as Counsel to HLD Clark Steel Pipe Inc, Philippines in the investigation initiated on July 20, 2018 of certain carbon steel welded pipe from Pakistan, the Philippines, Turkey and Vietnam


Appointed as counsel to a Chinese producer/exporter and Canadian importer of certain sucker rods originating in or exported from China.


Appointed as Counsel to a Korean producer/exporter to request an expedited review resecting certain oil country tubular goods originating in or exported from Chinese Taipei, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Korea, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine and Vietnam issued on April 2, 2015, in Inquiry No. NQ-2014-002 (OCTG II).


Appointed as Counsel to three entities involved in production, exportation and supply of raw material of certain copper pipe fittings originating in or exported from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


Appointed as Counsel to an Indian Producer and exporter of certain polyethylene terephthalate resin (PET resin) originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China (China), the Republic of India (India), the Sultanate of Oman (Oman) and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Pakistan), and the alleged injurious subsidizing of certain PET resin originating in or exported from China, India, Oman and Pakistan.


Appointed as Counsel to three major Korean producers/exporters and a Hong Kong Trading Company with regards to the CBSA’s dumping investigation of certain carbon and alloy steel line pipe originating in or exported from the Republic of Korea

SM2-2017-001 – SILICON METAL

Appointed as Counsel to a Brazilian producer/exporter and a US exporter of silicon metal in the CBSA’s dumping and subsidy investigations of certain silicon metal originating in or exported from the Federative Republic of Brazil (Brazil), the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan), Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Kingdom of Norway (Norway), the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Thailand (Thailand).


Appointed as counsel to the China Chamber of International Commerce in the Tribunal injury inquiry of certain FISC originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, the Kingdom of Spain

RR-2106-001 – Expiry Review of OCTG Pup Joints from the People’s Republic of China. – Appointed as Counsel to the Canadian Complainant, a Canadian Importer and a Chinese exporter in the Canadian International Trade Tribunal’s Expiry Review proceedings.
RB2-2016-IN – Appointed as Counsel to a Taiwanese exporter in the Canada Border Services Agency’s anti-dumping investigation into the alleged injurious dumping of certain concrete reinforcing bar originating in or exported from the Republic of Belarus, Chinese Taipei, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain.
Counsel to the Canadian Complainant as well as an importer and an exporter, in the CBSA’s expiry review of certain OCTG pup joints originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.
Counsel to a Chinese manufacturer of certain steel fasteners in seeking an Expedited Review of certain carbon steel fasteners originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.
Counsel to a Chinese Exporter and a Canadian importer in the dumping, section 20 review and subsidy investigations concerning certain carbon and alloy steel line pipe originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.
Counsel to an exporter in China and a Canadian importer in the re-investigation to update the normal values, export prices and amounts of subsidy of certain pup joints originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.
Counsel to exporters in Korea, The Philippines and Taiwan in the re-investigation to update the normal values and export prices of certain OCTG originating in or exported from Chinese Taipei, the Republic of India (India), the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesia), the Republic of the Philippines (the Philippines), the Republic of Korea, the Kingdom of Thailand (Thailand), the Republic of Turkey (Turkey), Ukraine and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Vietnam.
Counsel representing the interests of Stanley Black & Decker (aka Black & Decker US Inc./Powers Industries Ltd.) on its appeal of the anti-dumping duties assessed by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) on its 2014 importations of certain fasteners originating in or exported from Chinese Taipei (Taiwan). Included Counsel on an exporter in the US, the importer in Canada, two trading companies and three manufacturers in Taiwan.
Counsel to the Government of the Republic of the Philippines on the subsidy investigation concerning certain OCTG originating in or exported for the Philippines. The subsidy investigation against the Philippines was terminated.
Counsel to exporters in Korea, the Philippines and Taiwan in the dumping and subsidy investigations concerning certain oil country tubular goods originating in or exported from Chinese Taipei, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine and Vietnam.

The results of the investigation were zero margins of dumping for our clients in Korea and the Philippines and the subsidy investigation was terminated against the Philippines.

Counsel to exporters in Korea, the Philippines and Taiwan in the dumping and subsidy investigations concerning certain oil country tubular goods originating in or exported from Chinese Taipei, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine and Vietnam.

The results of the investigation were zero margins of dumping for our clients in Korea and the Philippines and the subsidy investigation was terminated against the Philippines.

Counsel to a Chinese and a Korean exporter in the dumping and subsidy investigation respecting certain hot-rolled deformed steel concrete reinforcing bar in straight lengths or coils, commonly identified as rebar, originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Turkey.
Counsel to a major Hong Kong based manufacturer and exporter concerning the re-investigation of the normal values, export prices and amounts of subsidy of certain thermoelectric containers originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.
Counsel to a major Greek manufacturer and exporter of certain copper tube to review the results of the 2013 investigations of copper tubes originating in or exported from the Hellenic Republic and to advise on a solution to the impact of rising copper prices on its normal values.
Counsel to a third major Korean manufacturer and exporter respecting the alleged injurious dumping of certain hot-rolled carbon steel plate and high-strength low alloy steel plate originating in or exported from Republic of Korea.
Counsel to a major Korean manufacturer and exporter of certain copper pipe fittings to review, analyze and advise as to corrective action of the results of the CBSA 2013 re-investigation of the normal values and the export prices of certain copper pipe fittings originating in or exported from the United States of America, the Republic of Korea and the People’s Republic of China,
Counsel to two major Korean manufacturers and exporters respecting the alleged injurious dumping of certain hot-rolled carbon steel plate and high-strength low alloy steel plate originating in or exported from the Federative Republic of Brazil, Chinese Taipei, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Republic of Indonesia , the Italian Republic, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.
Counsel to a Chinese and a Korean exporter in the dumping investigation of certain copper tubes originating in or exported from the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Hellenic Republic, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and the United Mexican States and the subsidy investigation of certain copper tubes originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.
Counsel to a major Chinese exporter and a Canadian importer respecting the alleged injurious dumping and subsidizing of unitized wall modules, with or without infill, including fully assembled frames, with or without fasteners, trims, cover caps, window operators, gaskets, load transfer bars, sunshades and anchor assemblies, originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.
Counsel to a Canadian importer respecting the alleged injurious dumping of certain carbon steel welded pipe originating in or exported from Chinese Taipei, the Republic of India, the Sultanate of Oman, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, the Republic of Turkey and the United Arab Emirates and the alleged injurious subsidizing of certain carbon steel welded pipe originating in or exported from the Republic of India, the Sultanate of Oman and the United Arab Emirates.
Counsel to the Government of the People’s Republic of China in the alleged injurious dumping and subsidizing of stainless steel sinks with a single drawn bowl having a volume between 1,600 and 5,000 cubic inches (26,219.30 and 81,935.32 cubic centimeters) or with multiple drawn bowls having a combined volume between 2,200 and 6,800 cubic inches (36,051.54 and 111,432.04 cubic centimeters), excluding sinks fabricated by hand, originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.
Counsel to the Government of the People’s Republic of China and a major Exporter in the re-investigation of the normal values, export prices and amounts of subsidy of certain thermoelectric coolers and warmers originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.
Counsel to a Chinese exporter and a Canadian importer in the investigation respecting the alleged injurious dumping and subsidizing of oil country tubular goods pup joints, made of carbon or alloy steel, welded or seamless, heat-treated or not heat-treated, regardless of end finish, having an outside diameter from 2 3/8 inches to 4 1/2 inches (60.3 mm to 114.3 mm), in all grades, in lengths from 2 feet to 12 feet (61 cm to 366 cm) originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.
Counsel to a Chinese exporter respecting the request for an expedited review of certain aluminum extrusions originating in and exported from the People’s Republic of China
Counsel to the Government of the People’s Republic of China in the amounts of subsidy of certain copper pipe fittings originating in or exported from China.
Counsel to the Government of the People’s Republic of China respecting the alleged injurious dumping and subsidizing of certain metal bar grating of carbon, alloy or stainless steel, consisting of load-bearing pieces and cross pieces, produced as standard grating or heavy-duty grating, in panel form, whether galvanized, painted, coated, clad or plated, originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.
Counsel to the Government of the People’s Republic of China in a re-investigation of the normal values, export prices and amounts of subsidy of certain thermoelectric coolers and warmers originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.
Conducted seminars and workshops in Taiwan on Canada’s Trade remedy legislation to the Government of Taiwan and to the Chinese national Federation of Industries.
Counsel to the Government of the People’s Republic of China in its review of subsidizing of certain laminate flooring originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.