Exceptional and Relevant Experience
Our consultants include former officers of the Trade and Anti-dumping Directorate of the CBSA at the Director, Managerial and Senior Investigation Officer levels. Together, these consultants have over 200 years of combined experience in the administration of SIMA and the Special Import Measures Regulations, Canada’s trade remedy laws.
They are distinguished from other trade lawyers and trade consultants because of their exceptional technical expertise and in-depth knowledge of SIMA as well as their comprehensive knowledge of the World Trade Organisation Agreements, with particular emphasis on the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (Anti-dumping Measures) and the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.
This experience and knowledge, together with our hands-on experience in conducting anti-dumping and countervailing investigations in Europe, North, Central and South America as well as Asia since the promulgation of SIMA in 1984, combined with our extensive knowledge and skills in all aspects of financial and cost accounting methodologies and procedures, ensure that our clients receive the most knowledgeable, effective and professional advice and service.
In order to ensure that we continue to provide the highest level of service to our clients, RC International Trade Consultants continues to increase its consulting base by attracting former members of the CBSA as well as other international trade lawyers and trade consultants who are experts in their field. Our team is enhanced by our Shanghai based consultants who are experts in the international trade area and who are fluent in Mandarin and English.
Further, in expanding our services for the benefit of our clients, we continue to seek out affiliations with law firms in Canada and in other countries who have demonstrated expertise in the field of international trade remedy matters.