Your Consultants of Choice

Based on the depth and expertise of its consultants, RC International Trade Consultants is recognized as one of the leading and most result-oriented Canadian trade consulting firms in practice today with regards to the Canadian trade remedy legislation.

Unlike other larger legal and consulting multifaceted organizations, we at RC International Trade Consultants are focused uniquely on trade remedy legislation and proceedings. We believe in providing dedicated and exceptional professional service to our clients.

RCITC consultants know the Canadian legislation at a detailed level having worked with SIMA on a daily basis since it promulgation in December of 1984. In fact, our consultants over the years were responsible for developing the Requests for Information (RFI) currently used as templates by the CBSA in its investigations. As such, we, more than any other Canadian trade lawyer or consultant, know the type of information that is required to be provided in response to the CBSAs RFIs.

Our superior knowledge of the relevant trade laws and the World Trade Organization agreements combined with our technical expertise as investigators and consultants in anti-dumping and countervailing investigations coupled with our close affiliation with successful and well respected law firms in Asia, Brazil and Canada, are compelling reasons why RC International Trade Consultants is without a doubt, the best choice and the most qualified consulting firm to represent importers, exporters and governments subject to Canadian or other countries trade remedy actions.